Posts in HABITS
15 Principles of Person Growth I Have Learned During My 15 Years of Working With Leaders

⭕️ You will never fully convince someone they are wrong, only reality can. Support them to expose their reality

⭕️ The place you most need to go is hidden where you least want to look. Get a coach, board, mentor and give them freedom to challenge you.

⭕️ There is no evolution without skin in the game. Evolution is often dependent upon facing your fears.

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7 Signs Your Business Is Running You

2. You’re using hierarchy to move people.

You have become so wrapped up in urgency that you are crossing the boundaries into telling people what to do or doing things for them. This serves to make them think that they are useless and that you think you are better than them. Driving stress, poor culture, quiet quitting and high staff churn

3. You have become reliant upon short term negative consequences to cause you to act

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This used to really infuriate me with my clients when trying to form habits

They have always been people with a lot of responsibility. CxO’s, Partners, Doctors, Judges, Entrepreneurs etc

But back in my personal training days working with these folks I would be pulling my hair out trying to get them to create the habits necessary to achieve what they were paying me for.

Their lives were just so unpredictable.

They would get incredible results in 21,30 and even 60 day programs but eventually they would regress back to mean and back to the shape they were previously in.

That’s when I started exploring neuroscience and quickly discovered where I was going wrong.

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Are you an Impostor?

Do you find yourself making things up on the fly trying to sound like you know what you’re taking about even when you aren’t sure?

Do you find yourself avoiding new approaches even when the current approach isn’t working so well?

Do you feel like you always have to be the smartest in the room?

Do you hate having your ideas challenged?

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People Often Think that Coaching is About Giving Advice but the Truth is, Most Advice Sucks

Nobody says to themselves ‘TODAY I will overwork and negatively impact my health and relationships.’

Just like nobody saying to themselves ‘today I will under work and jeopardise the success of the business and my career.’

We all know this really.

It is BELIEF that drives action and ADVICE seldom changes belief.

So even with awareness of the particular case, actually seeing evidence of overwork or underwork the advice is ignorant at BEST.

This didn’t come to me in a moment of realisation.

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10 things that STOP people getting what they want that my clients don’t experience anymore

I absolutely LOVE working with leaders who are inspired to build something amazing while also uniting a group of people behind that cause. The truth is that they are highly competent individuals BUT in MOST cases the skills that got them to where they are are the exact same skills that are causing their struggles in health, energy, communication and relationship.

Through my REINVENTION programme I support them to adopt the skills of understanding and embracing their brain to use it more to their advantage. Using prediction and response to create calm in themselves and others and using curiosity to give themselves and others the clarity they need to become autonomous and happy.

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8 Myths about work life balance my clients don’t believe anymore...

Eventually every leader realises that you can have all the success in the world. But if you don’t have good quality time and energy left to spend with the people you love then it’s all for nothing. But when it was HUSTLE and HARD WORK that got you where you are it can be hard to believe there is any other way. Yet believe you MUST if you are to start taking steps towards creating it.

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10 Things My Most Successful Clients Are Doing That You’re Probably Not

Successful leaders seem to have more patience, more presence and more time. They never seem in a rush or to be OVERWHELMED by business and life. Ultimately the difference between the successful and the overwhelmed leaders is what they DO. In this ‘mini series’ I will highlight the 10 major differences between my SUCCESS clients and struggling leaders I speak to.

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3 Things That GUARANTEE Even the best leader will always struggle with energy, Time and Mental Presence

It doesn’t matter how much you have had enough of your, low energy, constant phone use or working into the evening, ADDING more actions to an overwhelmed system will always result in more overwhelm.

FORCING in the new actions you THINK will help will always result in dropping it when motivation is low or something more critical comes up.

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Why Working Harder will Never Produce the Desired Outcome

Forcing new ACTION into an already overwhelmed schedule will NEVER create, uh... whelm.

Don’t get me wrong. ADDING in the diet, the meditation, the exercise, the yoga or what ever system it might be that promises to finally create that feeling of grounded presence and energy, are all powerful strategies.

But they are NOT the first step if you find yourself in this position, they are more like the 13th or 14th step.

I get it, if you feel like you’re living reactively and constantly being pulled out of the moment it makes total sense to add in meditation that has been proven to improve attention and focus.

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Excess FAT isn't a GREED or LAZINESS problem - EVER

You don’t have a GREED or LAZINESS problem

It’s true, you might have a problem that manifests it’s self in excess fat storage.

It’s also true that part of the ingredients of that problem might be an overconsumption of calories for the amount you are burning from day to day.

But laziness, as in the deliberate and wilful resistance of movement is not nor never has been the problem.

Nor is the problem the deliberate drive towards overconsumption of calories to the point of discomfort at each and every meal because you want it ALL for yourself.

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The Path of Purpose

There’s the peers path, this one seems safe and familiar. It’s full of the me too’s of shared experience. But often me too’s are of shared suffering of disconnected relationships, illness, back pain and what’s wrong with people who don’t think like us.

There’s the praise path, this path is often intoxicating as first we acted and got applause. Now we act for the applause and find ourselves pandering to it. It controls our choices and so direction. We are blown where ever the wind takes us and physically suffer, first only when the applause is silent then always as we see the difference between acceptance and entertainment.

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The best way to make behaviour change impossible

It notices hormonal, postural, tonal and pitch changes in others and then changes how we feel in order to guide us towards making decisions that might save ours or even our children’s lives all without us being consciously aware of it.

Again, I won’t go into detail here but the important question I think is,

Is it more likely that this incredible piece of equipment is broken in some way, that we somehow have to contend with a lazy, demotivated, angry, shy, anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or stressed model?

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On achieving the extraordinary

They used to freak me out too cos I had this idea that I needed to know the steps to get there even if they didn’t.

Now I look forward to hearing what they say because it’s just so blood inspiring to watch.

But the myth that comes with the idea of achieving the dream is that we have to do something radical, that’s what stops them including it too.

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Failing Backwards

When we extract the lessons the memory shrinks and at the same time we become more whole in the present and better equipped to succeed at the same challenge.

Often my clients will produce exact steps of how to go about failing at the very challenge they have come to me for help with. With that comes the confident of success in the present.

Thought that might be a cool thing to know. I have found it seriously useful and often I’ll notice that I’m noticeably more relaxed from day to day.

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How to stop caring what people think

I could say what I want to say to my boss or my employees without fear of what they might think.

I could dance like nobody was watching and single like nobody is listening.

And a million other things.

Some even hold it up like a badge or a flag they climbed up a mountain to plant.

“ I don’t care what anyone thinks!”

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Location and the Myth of Work Life Balance

Location guilt seems to be the thing we’re talking about when we say work life balance

When we are at home we should be at work when at work we should be at home and that’s without throwing fitness and friends into the mix.

We end up only seeing friends that fit the formula and doing exercise that does too.

It can be like a constant battle for good enough or avoiding too many arguments or criticism.

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In 2013 I was a proud owner of a busy gym and health care business

The members and clientele were people I had created personal relationships with many of them for years before. Recently though a mass of members had joined that treated the place and people in it disrespectfully. I couldn’t see a way out, I felt like it was going to be a long journey what ever plan I created.

There is no such thing as a quick fix though right? Anything worth having takes time... right?


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Grace and Gratitude

We did this thing when I was a kid when we sat down to eat as a family where we would thank God for our food before we ate.

I never completely understood why and I was never completely comfortable doing it but clearly made an impact on me. This was a practise recommended in the Bible.

Regardless of whether you believe in a God or not for a book to survive as long as it has is pretty mind blowing and it is clearly packed with wisdom. It got me thinking about gratitude.

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