Does the future look bleak for leaders?

The future looks bleak

Less money

Fewer opportunities

More struggle

More confusion and complexity

Notice how your brain 🧠 reacts to reading those predictions of scarcity.

The brain is always asking,

What’s happening and based on what’s happening how should I respond?

…in order to survive.

The brain is a survival machine which means we are hardwired to make NEGATIVE predictions of the future because we can only be so happy but we can be absolutely dead.

Negative prediction often lead to negative responses because they are RIGHT NOW responses to longer term problems.

I’m going to be broke … so I’ll spend some money.

I’m going to be lonely … so I’ll hide from people.

I’m going to lose my job … so I’ll start sucking at my job.

I’m going to be eating less … so I’ll eat more now!

I’m going to lose my relationship … so I’ll start being mean to my partner.

The negative prediction leads to fight, flight or freeze behaviour.

Predictions of recession literally drive recession.

It’s doesn’t have to be that way though.

We can see and experience a future of

More money

More opportunities

Less struggle

More connection

More simplicity

All without the world needing to be different at all.

An NO not by just thinking positively, in fact trying to think positively actually makes things worse.

Instead, write down your negative predictions of the future.

Then write down what you would do in each scenario.

Make it as fun as you can.

Write down what you would do to start to thrive from that scenario.

Once you catch all of them you’ll start to see a world of abundance again.

ONLY when surival is taken care is the brain open to possibility and opportunity again.

Ps I know a number of people are going through their negative prediction right now.

This exercise is for you too. Create safety in your brain by neutralising the worst case scenario’s and your brain will thank you.

Ed Ley