20 Things I’ve learned In 20 years of working with leaders to improve energy

1. How you feel about your life in any given moment is heavily influenced by your level of energy in that moment.

2. You can transform your energy in any moment by designing a skilful process for success in something you repeatedly do.

3. The things you least want to talk about is the greatest cause of low energy.

4. Sharing what you believe about life the universe and everything is the quickest path to connection and feeling grounded in yourself.

5. Trying to make someone else wrong is the quickest path to disconnection from yourself and others.

6. Trying to explore what they actually believe is the simplest way to help either you or them to gentle release a previously strongly held position.

7. Mastering this skill will significantly increase your energy at work.

8. The most energy draining place to be is in someone else business trying to change them.

9. If you have low energy you likely aren’t meeting your physiological needs.

10. Check oxygen, water, protein intake, movement throughout the day.

11. The more clarity you have around how to skilfully achieve your daily objectives eg getting kids to sleep or eating a nutritious meal. The more mental energy you will experience.

12. Cause someone else to feel how you want to feel.

13. Make tomorrow more clear than it currently is.

14. A sense that you lack freedom will always make you feel drained regardless of what else is in place.

15. People will often sacrifice health just to experience freedom ie smoking, excessive gaming, doom scrolling, Netflix (or both at the same time).

16. Open loops, phone present, lap top present all put you in anticipation. A state where your body is not able to rest, digest, repair.

17. The more clearly you define the purpose behind all of your choices the more clarity, direction and focus you’ll have and thus energy.

18. Past failures in things you care about withhold energy from you until the lessons are extracted.

19. Your inner critic can be made an ally.

20. The decision to consistently sacrifice sleep for work is a clear indication that you are making unskilful decisions.

Which one could you introduce to increase your energy today?

Ed Ley